Hemicellulases, Pectinases, 液体

Pectinex® Ultra Mash

Pectinex® Ultra Mash is a robust enzyme preparation for first mashing. It delivers higher juice yield and capacity for press or decanter. Pectinex® Ultra Mash performs well in low-pH, low-temperature and high- tannin conditions.

Description Details

Pectinex® Ultra Mash is a blend of Pectinases and hemicellulases. This robust mashing enzyme has several pectinolytic activities. The result is fast viscosity reduction on fresh and stored fruit.

Typical dosage/ 1,000 kg of fruit 
Fresh Fruit: 50-120 ml
Stored Fruit: 60-130 ml

Declared Activity
9500 PECTU/g

Preservative free

Many consumers demand juices that are free from preservatives. This product helps you meet that demand.

Classical strain enzyme

This enzyme product is not a GMO and doesn't contain GMOs. It's made by fermentation of a microorganism. The microorganism is not modified by modern biotechnology. Nor is it present in the final product.

How to use

Under normal conditions this product has a temperature range of 23-27°C, but its range can be 15-55°C. It is active up to 55°C. However, higher temperatures may have a negative effect on aroma quality and analytical parameters. They may also lead to microbial problems. Avoid mash temperatures below 10°C.

Which product is right for you?

Find the right solution for you in our global portfolio, shown below. To find out more about products available in your region, get in touch with your local Novozymes representative.

Pectinex® Smash XXL
Process step 1st mashing
Typical dosage/ 1,000 kg of fruit Stored fruit: 50-120 ml
Declared Activity 19,400 PECTU/g
Preservative free No
Classical strain enzyme No
Improved strain enzyme Yes
Pectinex® Ultra AFP
Process step 2nd mashing/pomace treatment
Typical dosage/ 1,000 kg of fruit 100-300 ml
Declared Activity 10,000 PECTU/ml
Preservative free Yes
Classical strain enzyme Yes
Improved strain enzyme No
Pectinex® Ultra Mash
Process step 1st mashing
Typical dosage/ 1,000 kg of fruit Fresh Fruit: 50-120 ml Stored Fruit: 60-130 ml
Declared Activity 9500 PECTU/g
Preservative free Yes
Classical strain enzyme Yes
Improved strain enzyme No
Pectinex® Yieldmash Plus
Process step 1st mashing and 2nd mashing/pomace treatment.
Typical dosage/ 1,000 kg of fruit First mashing: 60–120 ml Second mashing/pomace treatment: 100-300 ml
Declared Activity 3.7 PEU/g
Preservative free No
Classical strain enzyme No
Improved strain enzyme Yes
Process step
Typical dosage/ 1,000 kg of fruit
Declared Activity
Preservative free
Classical strain enzyme
Improved strain enzyme