Hemicellulases, Pectinases, 液体

Pectinex® Ultra Olio

Pectinex® Ultra Olio for olive oil extraction delivers higher oil yield. It also improves your process through faster, more efficient oil/water separation.

Description Details

Pectinex Ultra Olio is a blend of pectinases and hemicellulases for efficient cell wall degradation.

Typical dosage/1,000 kg of olives/vegetables 
200-400 ml

Declared Activity
8600 PECTU/g

Preservative free

Many consumers demand oils that are free from preservatives.
This product helps you meet that demand.

Classical strain enzyme

This product is made by fermentation of microorganisms. These microorganisms aren’t modified by biotechnology. Neither are they present in the final product.

Which product is right for you?

Find the right solution for you in our global portfolio, shown below. To find out more about products available in your region, get in touch with your local Novozymes representative.

Pectinex® Ultra Olio
Process step Olive Oil extraction
Typical dosage/1,000 kg of olives/vegetables 200-400 ml
Declared Activity 8600 PECTU/g
Preservative free Yes
Classical strain enzyme Yes
Improved strain enzyme No
Viscozyme® L
Process step Olive Oil extraction from Green Olives maturity index 1-4
Typical dosage/1,000 kg of olives/vegetables 200-400 ml
Declared Activity 100 FBG/g
Preservative free No
Classical strain enzyme Yes
Improved strain enzyme No
Process step
Typical dosage/1,000 kg of olives/vegetables
Declared Activity
Preservative free
Classical strain enzyme
Improved strain enzyme
How to use

Add this product into the malaxer. Use together with talc as needed.
