Inoculant, Wettable powder

JumpStart® for corn

JumpStart® wettable powder inoculant contains Penicillium bilaiae which improves the efficiency of soil and fertilizer phophorous uptake. It grows on plant roots and makes less-available residual soil phosphate available for crop use. 

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This product is distributed in Canada by our partner Nexus BioAg
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This product is distributed in Canada by our partner Nexus BioAg
Key Benefits Specifications
  • Enhances the efficiency of soil and fertilizer P use

    This product helps to free phosphate bound in soil and fertilizer, making it more available to the plant. Phosphate plays an important role in crop development and root growth.

  • Improves yield potential

    This product can improve the yield potential of your crops by enhancing overall plant health and stress mitigation. It does this by increasing the availability of nutrients to plant roots.

  • Increases nutrient availability to encourage vigorous root growth and shoot development

    This product encourages root growth and shoot development, which are important components of better crop health. It does this by increasing nutrient availabilty and uptake by the plant.  

  • Improves stress tolerance

    This product can help to reduce the impact of stress on your crops during the growing season. It does this by making nutrients more available to the plants, which improves overall crop health. 

Active ingredients:  7.2 x 108 cfu Penicillium bilaiae per gram 
wettable powder
Application Rate: 2.0 oz/2400 lbs of seed

How does JumpStart® make phosphate more available to crops?

Significant amounts of phosphate fertilizer become bound to soil particles and other elements. That means they are unvailable for crop use. JumpStart® is based on the naturally-occurring fungus Penicillium bilaiae. This fungus grows along plant roots and releases bound mineral forms of soil and fertilizer phosphate. That makes it more readily available for the plant to use.

Which product is right for you?

Find the right solution by exploring our portfolio, shown below. If you’d like more information, your local Novozymes representative is ready to help, so please get in touch.

Enhances N, P and K availability and plants' utilization of key nutrients
Enhances the efficiency of soil and fertilizer P use
Improves yield potential
Increases nutrient availability to encourage vigorous root growth and shoot development
Supports early vigor
Improves stress tolerance
Seed treatment (Time on seed)
30 days
540 days bare seed
540 days bare seed
JumpStart® for corn
Enhances N, P and K availability and plants' utilization of key nutrients
Enhances the efficiency of soil and fertilizer P use
Improves yield potential
Increases nutrient availability to encourage vigorous root growth and shoot development
Supports early vigor
Improves stress tolerance
Seed treatment (Time on seed) 30 days
QuickRoots® for corn
Enhances N, P and K availability and plants' utilization of key nutrients
Enhances the efficiency of soil and fertilizer P use
Improves yield potential
Increases nutrient availability to encourage vigorous root growth and shoot development
Supports early vigor
Improves stress tolerance
Seed treatment (Time on seed) 540 days bare seed
QuickRoots® for corn
Enhances N, P and K availability and plants' utilization of key nutrients
Enhances the efficiency of soil and fertilizer P use
Improves yield potential
Increases nutrient availability to encourage vigorous root growth and shoot development
Supports early vigor
Improves stress tolerance
Seed treatment (Time on seed) 540 days bare seed
Enhances N, P and K availability and plants' utilization of key nutrients
Enhances the efficiency of soil and fertilizer P use
Improves yield potential
Increases nutrient availability to encourage vigorous root growth and shoot development
Supports early vigor
Improves stress tolerance
Seed treatment (Time on seed)