Harnessing the power of microbes to drive yield gains
Canadian producers have made biological inoculants a mainstay of their agronomic practices. Whether you’re growing pulses, soybeans, canola, wheat or other small grains, our industry-leading microbial inoculants can help. These technologies use natural processes to help raise yields and deliver more profit from every acre.
The BioAdvantage Trial program - building trust and confidence

The BioAdvantage Trial program - building trust and confidence
Before our microbial inoculants come to market, they’re extensively ground-truthed. In the BioAdvantage© Trial (BAT) program of on-farm trials, we develop a robust understanding of the technologies. Through the trials, we assess the performance of our products and find the best agronomic fit.
Data from real farm growing conditions

Data from real farm growing conditions
Through the BAT program, we work with hundreds of producers across the country. That allows us to test our inoculants' performance under real farm growing conditions, using real farm practices. The result is transparent, relevant data that gives an accurate picture of how the technologies can be expected to perform.
An industry-leading program

An industry-leading program
The BAT program is an industry-leading, widespread microbial trial program. It demonstrates our commitment to delivering value to the BioAg sector, while building trust and confidence.
Our inoculant solutions